Forró In L.A. St. Valentines Day Edition!



This Saturday February 15 is our next Forró in LA dance party, a St. Valentine’s Day Edition! Forró in LA, is produced by Andrea Lopasso, Marialice Jacob, Fabio Santana and Reyes Rodriguez. Forró in LA is a night dedicated to 100% forró music that blends traditional and contemporary DJ selections, live music, special guests and the fun-forró-festa vibe at the fabulous Tropico de Nopal Gallery-Art Space.

Forró {foh-hoh} “for all”, the popular music and dance rhythms from the Northeast of Brazil, is contagious and has grown to involve young and spirited alike in the frenzy of “alegria” – a certain joy – that comes from the fun, sometimes humorous and romantic lyrics of the slow baião or the fast xaxado and everything in between.

MÔFO – the only forró band in LA – will play a solid set with new songs and a whole lot of alegria! Why a Forró band in LA? “I wanted to duplicate and share that “alegria” (happiness) and energy of the forró that I experienced when I lived in Pernambuco,” said MÔFO’s director Simon. With barely a year and great musicians the band brings us the most popular sounds of forró with the typical zabumba (drum), sanfona (accordeon), triangulo (triangle), sometimes the rabeca (violin), sometimes the violão (guitar), and certainly vocals.

The evening also counts on the Forró in LA couple, Andrea and Fabio (Forró in LA instructors at Tropico de Nopal – Weds 7:30pm) showing and teaching the forró steps, and sure getting “all” going on the dance floor.

REYES plays 100% Forró from his vast collection of music, from xote, to baião, xaxado, pé de serra and more.

Come and be part of our Forró in LA! Guaranteed a great fun-forró-festa time! $10/door